
livin’ lavish—extreme ideal|desired life|self

livin’ lavish—extreme ideal|desired life|self hello everyone!!
this morning i came to YouTube to answer comments n stuff and saw i had 101 subscribers!! as soon as i saw that, i felt i like i should celebrate this and be festive lol so ive been working on this allll day! i am so ecstatic that my subs are helping people achieve their results!! thank you to everyone for supporting as well!! i promise to only grow, learn, and put more and more effort with every subliminal i make☆

i love you all immensely♡

im going to write ideal for the benefits to make it simpler but i included both “ideal” and “desired” for variety! i know that “desired” makes it seem like you don’t already have it kind of but i also feel like it’s stronger than “ideal” and if you add “right now” in the affirmation then it cancels the not having it idea out! but ideal is also important too so yeA!

benefits (only if desired):
✧literally everything i could think of/EXTREMELY detailed,, and i mean ~evErything~
✧desired/ideal life (everyyything),
✦ideal scenarios (dEtailed)
✦allllll wishes come true (detailed)
✦everything happens to you that you want (detailed)
✦attract positivity, wealth, luck, etc.
✦attract ideal people (not just romantically)and people think of you how you want them to
✦live extremely luxuriously/lAvishly/etc
✦ideal parents/ancestors (detailed with appearance, how they act towards you, ethnicity, culture, religions, etc)
✧manifest/attract ideal
✦anything and ~everything~ you want (more detailed)
✧ideal/desired self
✦body/every body part
✦face (extremely detailed)
✦hair/eye color
✦gender/identity/orientation[+accepted/loved/supported by everyone and ideal people]
✦religious beliefs[accepted by family and ideal people]
✦ideal first impression
✦skin color/tone
✧booster[protected against negative affirmations/harm + detachment + positivity/self love/confidence + free of stubborn mind/subconscious absorbs affs easily + full years results in one millisecond ,etc]
✧world and earth fixer
✦stop all negativity in world
✦every individual is helping/making an effort to save planet and bring positivity,, etc
✦global warming, climate change, disease, negative earth problems are immune to existing
✦everyone on earth has good intentions
✦everyone recycles
✦the world is ~entirely~ free of all sexism, racism, problems, negativity, judgement, etc.

✰ pls try not to ask “will this give me—“ because i wrote everything i could think of... unless it’s like something i didn’t think of then okay but i wrote literally evErything wEw :) ✰

✰ p.s. if you are a submaker please start adding environment/earth/world helping affirmations!! the sub community is so big and could certainly help make a change in the length of time left for our home and planet! thank you!!!!!! ✰


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