A few important details regarding the NATA 2020 Exam Pattern are as follows:
Language: Candidates are very likely to be able to get the NATA 2020 in English language only.
Duration: The total time duration of the entrance test will be of 180 minutes (3 hours). 135 minutes for Part-A (Drawing section) and 45 minutes for Part-B (Aptitude section).
Papers: The NATA 2020 would be conducted for Paper-1 and Paper-2.
Number of Questions: The question paper is probably going to have a total of 50 questions in paper 2 from General Aptitude and Mathematics while Paper 1, i.e. drawing test might have 3 questions carrying 35 marks, 35 marks & 55 marks, respectively.
Type of Questions: Paper-2 of NATA 2020 examination questions will be MCQ (Multiple Choice Question) based while Paper-1 will be a drawing based test.
Negative Marking: There will be no negative markings in the NATA 2020 entrance tests.
Marking Scheme: There will be 1.5 marks awarded for each correct answer.
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