
One hour and forty-five minutes in New York Hudson Yards 哈德逊城市广场

One hour and forty-five minutes in New York Hudson Yards 哈德逊城市广场 哈德逊城市广场位于曼哈顿西城,是纽约的新地标 ,部分设施还在建设中。极具特色的建筑群吸引了世界各地游客前来游览。恰逢大雪纷飞, 来上一个多小时,我也是第一次看到这么大的雪,一个字:美!Hudson Yards is in West Manhattan and is a new landmark in New York. Some facilities are still under construction. The distinctive architectural complex attracts tourists from all over the world. Coinciding with the heavy snow, I stay here for more than an hour, and for the first time, I saw such heavy snow. One word: beauty!


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