
Over 85% People Don't Know What Health Really Is! A Powerful Eye-opening Talk by Sadhguru

Over 85% People Don't Know What Health Really Is! A Powerful Eye-opening Talk by Sadhguru In this video, I explain how the posture and the state of mind are deeply connected, how the postures affect your mental states. The posture that you choose to sit in, has a great role deciding what kind of mental state you're gonna have. The body and mind are not two different things, they are two sides of the same coin. The body is the visible mind and the mind is the invisible body. And this is why these day, the body and mind are together called as psychosomatic self. They are basically one. What you do to the one, will have an influence on the other. If you do something to the body, you can have it's effect felt on your mind, and the reverse also holds true, what you think in mind surely affects the body as well. Don't you see that in your life? When you get angry, doesn't it show on your face, the anger is present in the mind but it has its effect on your body, right! Similarly when you do any physical exercise, you feel a certain calmness in your mind as well. isn't that so? When you are perfectly healthy, when there is nothing with your physical body, your mind also remain cheerful and happy, but the moment something wrong happens with the body, the mind loses all happiness. So body and mind affect each other. This was the thing that our Yogis of yore, the seers of the past knew that and this is why they developed Asanas, the postures. These Yogis and seers laid great emphasis on posture, they would lay great emphasis on becoming perfect in sitting in one posture for as long as possible. Because unless you become perfect in one posture, you cannot hope to loose body consciousness in meditation.

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About Sadhguru:
Sadhguru, a yogi and profound mystic of our times, is a visionary humanitarian and a prominent spiritual leader. A contemporary Guru, rooted as strongly in mundane and pragmatic matters as he is in inner experience and wisdom, Sadhguru works tirelessly towards the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of all. His mastery of the mechanisms of life, an outcome of his profound experience of the Self, guides in exploring the subtler dimensions of life.

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Maanav,Sadhguru,Sadhguru videos,Sadhguru 2018 videos,Sadhguru on success,Sadhguru wellness,Sadhguru wellbeing,Sadhguru isha,isha foundation,jaggi vasudev Sadhguru,isha videos,Sadhguru on confidence,depression,suicide,stress,Sadhguru Stress,Sadhguru speech,yoga,Sadhguru Yoga,Sadhguru shiva,

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