
Q&A on Artificial Intelligence

Q&A on Artificial Intelligence Over the coming ten years Artificial Intelligence will have wide-ranging effects on industry, technology, humans, ethics, and society at large. To discuss the benefits as well as the risks of AI, we set up a live Q&A with two of our leading AI experts. Professor Wijnand IJsselsteijn and EAISI director Carlo van de Weijer answered questions sent in by people from across the world.

Carlo van de Weijer ( is director of the newly-established Eindhoven Instititute for Artificial Intelligent Systems (EAISI - at TU/e. He was previously head of the Strategic Area Smart Mobility. He has a background in the automotive industry, which includes executive positions at Siemens and TomTom. In addition to his work at TU/e, he advises ministries and industry around the world on the future of mobility and Artificial Intelligence. Carlo is a well-known international speaker on exponential technology and the future of high-tech.

Wijnand IJsselsteijn ( is professor of Cognition and Affect in Human-Technology Interaction at TU/e and member of the scientific board of EAISI. He is also the scientific director of the interdisciplinary Center for Humans and Technology ( which explicitly focuses on people- and value-centred perspectives of technology understanding, engineering, and design. He has a keen interest in the relation between data science, AI and psychology, and works on technological innovations that make possible novel forms of human behavior tracking.

Interested in what the TU/e has to offer in the field of AI research and education? You can find more information on the website of the Eindhoven AI Systems Institute. Or contact us via or

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