
Research on Change Management Success

Research on Change Management Success The importance of change management is critical to project success. When looking at the research done around change management we see how and why projects succeed when thinking about the people side of change.

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#Prosci #Changemanagement #6X

We talk about this as the 6X, which shows us our effectiveness of managing the people side of change has a direct impact on our ability to meet or exceed objectives. And if we're able to go from poor to excellent, we're six times more likely to deliver the results and outcomes we seek. What I find may be even more interesting is if we take one step out of the basement, we go from poor to fair, we get almost a 3X lift.

And so one of the things I think is a profession we need to embody is the notion that we can't let perfect get in the way of progress because I don't believe there is such thing as a perfectly managed change. And in this profession, it's really a series of trade-offs around every corner as we go down the path, and so making sure we're focusing on better than and not perfect is one of the key takeaways that I think a lot of practitioners develop in their early parts of their practice.

We also know from research that the more muscle we can build in the organization around change, the more successful our projects are gonna be. McKinsey is famous for a study they put out that said two-thirds of transformation efforts failed to deliver the value that it's expected. Our research and data would show that if we're able to build strong muscle get into level four, level five, change management maturity is measured by our maturity scale. We're looking at two-thirds of the transformation succeeding now, and so I think a lot of this is still work to be done in many ways. We're an emerging discipline, and the research would point to over half of the clients that participate in our study are below a level four in terms of their maturity. So, that to me says collectively, we've still got a lot of work to do to grow the muscle in our organizations.

Interestingly, out of our last round of research, we also see some direct correlation between our ability to build the muscle in the organization, again, measured by the maturity framework and our expectations for employee engagement. And I think this is some research we'll continue to build on in future studies here.

But the idea that if we're able to bring the people in our organizations on the changes and equip and able and support them, they're much more likely to stick with us and to stay engaged and to participate in the next change. And so last piece of research here on this, we know from data across two decades that the top contributors to change success fluctuate. The one that doesn't change is active invisible sponsorship is the number one predictor of change success.

So if we wanna get this right, we've gotta start at the top of the organization. I've been with Prosci six years now. What's interesting, two through five tend to move around. When I first got into the organization, dedicated change management resources was number four on the list. You know, you fast forward six years, and it's number two on the list. I think leaders in organizations are starting to wake up to the fact that the people side of change we're no longer the crazies in the corner starving for attention. People recognize that this work matters.

I still think there's also a very different perception for leader to leader around what change management is all about. I still hear a lot of organizations talk about this being songs at the end of meetings and hugs and the sort of kumbaya moments. And one of our clients called Prosci the hard side of the soft stuff, and I think we take much more of an empirical outcome-oriented results-focused approach to change. And the idea that dedicated resources are now becoming more prevalent is to me an indicator that our discipline continues to mature.

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