
Thinking of you, I just get myself drowned inside the memories.

Thinking of you, I just get myself drowned inside the memories. I was told about your reporting my uploads. You are claiming copy rights for the covers you gave me. You said you sang them ONLY for me. You made them on Starmaker,making them public.I believed in every word you wrote on the caption.
Today I dont see any of those. You have taken everything away from me.May be you want to clear the traces for her.
Yes, Achintha you hate me because i asked you to remove that drawing of your father on the cover of OUR song Heenseeruwe. That girl's face you got done for her.
If its not for her, why couldnt you change intead of hating me and insulting me in public?You went away from me forgetting everything !Just because of a drawing?
Anuradha aiyya said it wasnt true,then why couldnt you change it knowing i wasnt happy?You planned to leave but wanted to put the blame on me.when I came back after the surgery, i only heard blames. Not even a kind word.I had to remind you.You who changed. The song,all those efforts meant nothing and you had the heart to tell Anuradha aiyya to redo the song with new lyrics?But you forgot whose idea it was.You forgot how I stayed up with you sneaking out on your second recording day,how I told where and how you needed to change ?You forgot how I discussed the dummy when the melody was done,how I argued with you because i wanted it to be perfect.Now you and Anuradha aiyya wants the rights ?How?You sang the song but who guided you?Was he even there ?Gayan aiyya re did the entire recording why?Sandaru did the music as per my request, with my taste of intruments and arrangements.Cant you accept this Achintha?It was OUR DREAM.OUR SONG.Why did you do like this to me,to your Chrishya?why?

I missed you every second.. Every day.. Will miss you until i breath.My words are not cheap. I promised to love you, no matter what.
Missed you today.. More.. you would have sung for me..:'(
But,You would have enjoyed the day with her.. :'(
For you,today my words look like lies.. But God Almighty knows. I love you.
Chrishya *


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