
You Can't Be Worldly and Please God.

You Can't Be Worldly and Please God. You Can’t Be Worldly and Please GOD

When I was in the world and a Christian I did not think that I was going to hell because I thought that I already believed in Jesus, I already believe in His death and resurrection, I’m already a pretty good person. Many Christians stay away from the BIG sins that they know obviously are wrong; smoking pot, doing drugs, having sex outside of marriage, taking God’s name in vain, cursing, all of those things you probably know are wrong so you stay away from them. BUT I want to make this message for those of you do consider yourselves Christian, you do stay away from a lot of that stuff you know is wrong, but you also have a foot in the world. satan is very crafty and what he did to me, I will speak from my own personal experience with this, is he told me; “You can be a little bit worldly, because you are not actually being worldly, you are just relating to the world, and you are relating to the world through your music, the way that you dress, through the friends you hang out with, and you are relating with them so that THEN you can be a light to them and bring those worldly people into the Kingdom of God…” So, there you have it, I was deceived. I was literally living worldly but I thought that I wasn’t, I thought that I was just relating to the world. I thought to myself verses like; “Be in the world but not of the world…” Well, in reality I was just being worldly. I want to give an example; When I was in the world, I had worldly friends who were also supposedly Christians. One of them, well he got me into going to bars and drinking and smoking… and he one time told me that smoking was actually good because it helped us relate to people on the street, whether they were gang members or homeless people. Well, I took that mentality into the rest of my life as a Christian, I thought that I could dress like the world, and sort of act like the world, not that I was cursing or anything like that, but I though that hanging out with worldly people gave me an edge, because they thought that I was exactly like them and THEN I could preach the gospel to them because I was relating to them. Have you ever been deceived by this same lie? I definitely was deceived by this, but we KNOW as Christians that friendship with the world is HATRED towards God. You cannot use satan’s tools, his worldly music, you know rock music or rap, you can’t use worldly tattoos or the kind of clothing the world uses, you can’t use all that stuff and put on worldliness and attract people in the world to the KINGDOM OF GOD. You will never do it, it will never happen. Number one, God will be AGAINST YOU, and because you are in the world, you will be going more and more the way of the WORLD and you will be farther and farther away from Kingdom of God. You will just be deceived into thinking that you are making disciples. But in reality, you will just be a worldly Christian. Don’t be fooled into thinking that you can read ungodly books, you know, just worldly books to entertain your flesh, that you can just watch ungodly movies, that you can listen to ungodly music, that you can entertain ungodly friends, that you can have and unbelieving girlfriend or boyfriend… don’t think that you can just go to “kick-backs” parties, hang out with just the world, and that somehow you are light there because deep down you know you are a Christian. That is just hypocrisy. Don’t be fooled as I was fooled. Friendship with the world truly is hatred towards God. Be separate, touch NOTHING that is unclean, cling onto Jesus, hold onto Him and He will accept you. But if you live worldly you will be of the world and God will be against you. Jesus died on the cross for our sins that we would live HOLY, that we would be cleansed from all unrighteousness. But you do have a part, you do have a work that you have to do, and that work is choosing to do the things Jesus calls you to do. You have to daily deny yourself, take up your cross and follow Jesus. If you do not crucify your flesh then you have no part with Jesus Christ. Don’t be deceived into thinking you can just believe in the cross, believe in Jesus and that you will be saved, YOU HAVE TO DO YOUR PART. Believe Jesus, eat His flesh and drink His blood, otherwise if you are in the world thinking that you are saved by grace, you surely are on your way to death and destruction. Repent and live HOLY. Seek Jesus and preach the true gospel of repentance and separation from the world. May the grace of Jesus be with you.


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