
4 'Desperate Girl' Signals That Turn Guys Off

4 'Desperate Girl' Signals That Turn Guys Off There is nothing less hot than a bunch of desperate girls at a bar. Learn the three biggest mistakes women make when they try to meet men:

Right now, in this video, I'm going to be talking about four desperate girl signals that immediately turn men off, and you know what? You may not think that you're doing these things, but watch this whole video, because I guarantee you're guilty of one of them.

4 "Desperate Girl" Signals That Turn Guys Off #1: staring all night at the person you want to talk to.

Look, there is a big difference between glancing at someone and maybe doing a little bit of a smirk and then going back to the conversation. Just enough green light, so that person knows that you're interested. There's a big difference between that and just straight up staring at someone all night long. And look, in all seriousness, when you're going out at night, yeah, of course, give those glances, give those smiles, but don't just focus all of your energy on that one guy, because he's going to feel that energy, and it's going to feel a little bit desperate. So spread the energy and be the most social person when you're going out at night. And who knows, that guy that you've been staring at all night, he might completely suck. I mean, he might kick kittens. Who knows. Don't give him all of your energy. Spread the love a little bit, and who knows, maybe that other guy who you weren't as physically attracted to might end up being one of the coolest guys and the funniest guys you've ever met. Spread the love.

4 "Desperate Girl" Signals That Turn Guys Off #2: the double text.

If you're noticing that when you're texting guys, there is way more blue on the screen versus gray, which are his responses, then you know that you have a problem. The double text is where you text someone, and then they don't respond, so you text them again, and then maybe they don't respond, so then you text them again. Now, you're a triple text.

I know it can be hard to be patient, especially when you're excited, or you're interested or worse when there are problems in the relationship, but I ask you to find the patience from within and not do the double text.

4 "Desperate Girl" Signals That Turn Guys Off #3: posting on social media to get his attention.

Social media is not a place to make someone jealous, and more importantly, it's not a place to get a guy's attention, especially when he's not giving you his attention. So if a guy is blowing you off and he's not giving you the attention that you want, rather than posting on social media with pictures that make it seem like you have a cool life, rather than do that what I want you to do, and I know this is crazy, go out and create a cool social life. Call a bunch of old friends, actually do something enjoyable, and be present while you're doing those things.

Or if you have a hobby or something, you've always wanted to do, or an interest, or something like that, go out and do those things and don't do it just so that you can get a guy's attention. Do it because it fulfills you on a deeper level. This, in turn, will naturally make you less emotionally needy, because you already are very content with your amazing life.

4 "Desperate Girl" Signals That Turn Guys Off #4: the drunk overshare.

If every single time you get drunk; you overshare every single feeling you have about him and this relationship that you may or may not have with him. If you find that whenever you get drunk, your entire dating life implodes and then explodes all at the same time, then it's time to take a look at this habit a little bit. So in the future, if this does happen, tone it back a little bit on your drinking and see how your love life naturally smooths out a little bit.

I want to hear from you. Which of these are you most guilty of? Leave a comment right there below, and also, if you enjoyed this video, then I have a great training that I think you'll enjoy. It is entirely free. It's called "Why Men Pull Away." I'll leave a link in the description or my bio. I think you're going to enjoy that, and it goes over the three biggest dating mistakes that most women make when they go out and try to meet men:

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