
Fedsmoker Turns On Obama For Withholding Social Security

Fedsmoker Turns On Obama For Withholding Social Security If you are unfamiliar with Fedsmoker, you may be baffled and/or disgusted by his behavior, so read this short bio first and get a glimpse inside the complex mind of America's greatest double-agent.

His name was Conald Peterson and on February 14th 2020 he was found dead of heart failure at the side of the highway, next to the latest edition of his heavily modified Ford ex-cop Crown-vic he referred to as "Fedsmoker J.R.". He was a presumably schizophrenic & clinically paranoid man, and a hilarious, shameless, absolutely explosive lunatic, but despite all that, on his good days, he was lovable quick-witted and extremely entertaining individual that drove laps around America virtually full-time, recording and uploading virtually every moment of his larger than life existence on both audio and video. Despite the insane one-of-a-kind content, he managed to stay out of the spotlight online due to him having many dozens of Youtube channels that went up as fast as they were being terminated, the lack of social media or means for him to inform fans where to find his latest videos, and the sheer volume of daily uploads he posted that were often unlabeled, repeat names, incoherent names, or in most cases just left with the default camera filename like DC-9001, which made it impossible to keep up with him or really find any of his videos with keyword searching. The purpose of this Youtube channel is to archive the many highlights he left behind, including multi-part sagas combined together and more direct cuts of excessively long videos.

Because of this perfect storm of him being nuts but still functional enough to travel around independently and make use of technology, as well as a persona that was like Alex Jones crossed with The Joker crossed with Chris Farley crossed with Dog The Bounty Hunter crossed with Ricky from Trailer Park Boys (permanent cigarette included), he left behind an ungodly collection of crazy clips. There are/were thousands of videos (seriously) scattered across the net, and even more permanently lost due to deleted channels. Expect to see everything from him aggressively calling the FBI with the dialogue of a super-villain, to performing in-car dental operations, to crashing town hall meetings with wild conspiracy theories, to various street confrontations with the confused public both hostile and positive depending on his mood, to excessive ranting and laughing maniacally behind the wheel on his way to confront the local police chief in a mad-max like vehicle wired up with the latest in surveillance tech. Fedsmoker aka Herk aka Conald Peterson aka Ol' Dad holds a special place in our heart, because made us realize that it's possible for someone inflicted with severe mental illness to still have a hell of a good time out in the world, as he certainly did, and that sometimes it's OK to laugh and be entertained instead of always looking down on crazy people with pity and sadness. He lived life on the edge and never had a dull moment, and I don't think one person has ever provided us with as many laughs. May the legend live on.


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