
Percentages of the Probability of Wheat, Memorials & Shields coins

Percentages of the Probability of Wheat, Memorials & Shields coins I wanted to check out the percentage of the Box by taking one roll out and predicting from the one roll to the entire box of cents. At the moment I pulled out one roll and one week Cent was found among the 50 coins. So with that in mind oh, I figured they would be 50 wheat cents out of the entire box of $25 or 2500 coins. I want to see if the rest of the 49 coins would bear out these percentages as I said before. I should get more than 50 wheat cents but I'm assuming 50 will be the minimum. Okay guys have a good night now it's time for me to get to bed. Like, share, or comment below!

Foreign coins,Europe,Asia,Africa,North America,South America,Artic,Anartica,Australia,Nickel Bronze,Bronxe,Iron,Nickel Brass,Copper Nickel,Copper coated Steel,Ore,Franc,3 Pence,Cent,Pesetas,Yen,Penny,Drachma,Centavos,Sentimes,Pfennig,Dinar,Mark,

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