
Reducing Negative Thoughts | A Simple, Evidence-Based Technique

Reducing Negative Thoughts | A Simple, Evidence-Based Technique How can we stop negative thoughts? In this video, we talk about an effective, relatively effortless, evidence-based technique that can help us reduce negative thinking and rumination, and even improve performance during stressful events.

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▸▸▸Selected References◂◂◂
***Orvell, A., Ayduk, Ö., Moser, J. S., Gelman, S. A., & Kross, E. (2019). Linguistic shifts: A relatively effortless route to emotion regulation? Current Directions in Psychological Science, 28(6), 567–573.
***Kross, E., & Ayduk, O. (2017). Self-distancing: Theory, research, and current directions. In Advances in experimental social psychology (Vol. 55, pp. 81-136). Academic Press.
Streamer, L., Seery, M. D., Kondrak, C. L., Lamarche, V. M., & Saltsman, T. L. (2017). Not I, but she: The beneficial effects of self-distancing on challenge/threat cardiovascular responses. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 70, 235-241.
Kross, E., Bruehlman-Senecal, E., Park, J., Burson, A., Dougherty, A., Shablack, H., Bremner, R., Moser, J., & Ayduk, O. (2014). Self-talk as a regulatory mechanism: How you do it matters. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 106(2), 304–324.
White, R. E., Prager, E. O., Schaefer, C., Kross, E., Duckworth, A. L., & Carlson, S. M. (2017). The “Batman Effect”: Improving perseverance in young children. Child Development, 88(5), 1563-1571.

"Pompeii" by Josh Woodward.
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