
Reversing Dementia and Early Alzheimer's Naturally (Part 2 of 2)

Reversing Dementia and Early Alzheimer's Naturally (Part 2 of 2) Are you or a loved one suffering from noticeable memory loss, dementia, Alzheimer's Disease or brain damage associated with age, injury or concussion? At present, there is no prescription medication to cure memory loss due to age or brain damage. However, there are natural approaches that support and repair memory by stimulating the repair and regeneration of lost or damaged brain tissue. Listen to Dr. Sandy Bevacqua ( as she talks about her unique program of reversing dementia and early Alzheimer's naturally. She is an expert in the field of blood chemistry and natural approaches to balancing blood chemistry. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio ( and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.
*Produced and syndicated by Joy and Daniel Davis of Beyond 50 Productions.



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