
Third trimester ultrasounds offer no benefit when done routinely

Third trimester ultrasounds offer no benefit when done routinely Melanie the Midwife reviews the 2019 study which looked at the outcomes for women and babies who received routine ultrasounds in the third trimester of pregnancy. The findings of this high quality research showed that adding ultrasounds to routine third trimester maternity care produced no additional benefit to the baby and increased the woman's chances of induction of labour, without a subsequent benefit. This research does not support the use of routine ultrasound in the third trimester.

The original research, 'Effectiveness of routine third trimester ultrasonography to reduce adverse perinatal outcomes in low risk pregnancy (the IRIS study)' can be accessed at:

This video is part of the 'Transformative birth work' series. To get access to the full transformative birth work content go to:

Much love
Mel x


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