
'Too late' to restrict travel for Brits as coronavirus 'epidemic is everywhere'

'Too late' to restrict travel for Brits as coronavirus 'epidemic is everywhere' Restricting travel for Britons and UK visitors to prevent the spread of coronavirus would be pointless, a health chief has suggested.  The chief scientific adviser to the Government, Sir Patrick Vallance, said it would be too late, adding: “Once the epidemic is everywhere, then actually restricting travel makes no difference at all.  “At the moment we are certainly not recommending any change to behaviours in relation to that.  “And if it grows in the UK, then of course it doesn’t really make more sense to say that you’re at more risk somewhere else than you are here.”  Follow our live blog for the latest updates on coronavirus. Read More Related Articles Number of UK coronavirus cases rises to 51 after 12 more patients diagnosed Read More Related Articles Coronavirus plan: 15 key points from Boris Johnson's UK battle announcement  But Professor Chris Whitty, England’s chief medical officer, added: “If you happen to be in a place with a very weak health service at the peak of their epidemic, weaker than the NHS, that obviously might be more problematic - and this is particularly an issue for people who are older or have pre-existing health conditions.”  The pair were speaking alongside Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Tuesday as the Government outlined its 27-page coronavirus "battle plan".  Many countries have implemented travel restrictions in a desperate bid to prevent the spread of the killer bug.  Thailand is forcing visitors from some of the worst-affected countries, including Italy, to quarantine themselves for 14 days upon arrival. Video Loading Video Unavailable Click to play Tap to play The video will start in8Cancel Play now  Singapore has banned entry to travellers from Italy, Iran and South Korea, and anyone who has visited those countries within the last 14 days.  Several airlines have stopped flying to China and Italy.  A major outbreak could see the Army on the streets, police ignoring minor crimes and a fifth of workers absent, the Government has warned.  The military could also provide support to emergency services if needed, the action plan says. Read More Coronavirus outbreak  The NHS could delay non-urgent care and call retired doctors and nurses "back to duty", schools could close and big events could be banned if extraordinary measures are needed to curb the spread of the flu-like illness in the UK.  Prof Whitty said up to 80% of Britons could catch the bug in a worst-case scenario and one per cent of those infected may die.  There would be a relatively high death rate among the elderly and frail.  Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced that 51 people have now tested positive for coronavirus in the UK, up from 39 the day before.  He said: "It is becoming more likely we will see widespread transmission here in this country."  Earlier, Mr Johnson said it was "highly likely" the UK would see more widespread infection than at present.  He added: "Let me be absolutely clear that for the overwhelming majority


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