
Touch is crucial for development, learn to do it in a safe way

Touch is crucial for development, learn to do it in a safe way Is your kid driving you crazy? Do they struggle at home and at school? Does it impact on your interactions with them and have a detrimental effect on the whole family? Our rigorous one-to-one program has been developed specifically to support kids who struggle and our results are second to none. We can change your child’s life and restore sanity to your family.
Is your child failing to reach their full potential? Are they behind their peers? It might not be by a lot, but small difficulties early on can disadvantage your kid and leave them feeling like failures. This sense of underachievement, or feeling mediocre will follow them through their school years but it’s relatively easy to fix.
If you want your kid to do better in school and in life, ask for an assessment. We can put any kid on a path of lifetime improvement and success.
KidsBainTree (FoCo) is an Occupational Therapy Clinic focusing on pediatric clients. We serve Northern Colorado and Fort Collins. We provide expert individualized care to clients from birth to 12 years of age. We have another group that works older teens as well as with adults. This group uses peer mentoring as part of the process.
Our primary focus is to give your child the best interventions possible to address all the areas of concern, ensuring that we meet and exceed your current expectations; while sharing vital parenting-related information with you to further improve your relationship with your child. Many of our clients have a trauma history and we are very well versed in undoing trauma effects. We care about every child's well-being, which is why we take the time to get to know each of our families very well.
If you want your kid to do better in school and in life, ask for an assessment. We can put any kid on a path of lifetime improvement and success.

Kids Braintree
3932 John F Kennedy Pkwy Suite 10 F, 80525 Fort Collins, Colorado
+1 970-818-8768


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