
Tribulation Dream - attached is note the morning of dream that I didn’t have when I made this video

Tribulation Dream - attached is note the morning of dream that I didn’t have when I made this video Last night 2/26/20 before bed I asked the Lord if he wanted to show me something to share with my brothers and sisters to show me and then I went to bed. I was up at 7:29 a.m. 2/27/20 I had a tribulation dream. My husband Jeff and my family went to an amusement park somewhere, I remember I was babysitting and then the scene changed it was a beautiful day out I was with a friend or friends outside at a restaurant sitting outside at a table and all of a sudden there were numerous military aircraft in the sky and Martial law they were on motorcycles and on foot shooting people, people were running all over the place I was asking people if they wanted to get saved and that it’s here I would tell them what to say, I was still outside at the restaurant table as I was telling people, one person I remember was a man I asked him if he wanted to get saved and then the man next to him grabbed his arm and I knew they were a homosexual couple and I said it’s ok and they accepted Jesus. I saw them running past me to get away and I knew they were saved they looked different they looked at me as I was telling others how to get saved they weren’t running together. I was telling the people I knew this is what I have been saying what’s going to happen when I was in the bathroom restaurant in hiding with people I knew and then trying to get them to get saved. I was in the streets trying to find a place to hide going from building to building or house to house. I was with a few people I knew. I was seeing martial law trying to find people to kill in the streets all over the place. I came across one that tried to kill me but i got away with little effort because Jesus helped me. The man missed me in every way I don’t know how I wasn’t killed but then I knew Jesus was there with me. I told the people I was with what happened to me and I said it was Jesus who saved me I didn’t even have to try too hard for me to get away from him I was smiling and explaining how good Jesus is. I thought about my husband Jeff and my mom. But I knew Jeff would be fine. I asked one person with me when we were in a house in the dark for the night if the phone was working so I could try and call my family members and she said not yet she tried. My goal was to try and get to my house as I was going from one place to another to get away from martial law. During this whole time I wasn’t scared at all praise God.

Wilma Moore,

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