
Wellington International Pride Parade 2020 Colourful Double Decker Bus & Event.

Wellington International Pride Parade 2020 Colourful Double Decker Bus & Event. Taken 6:00-7:00 pm Saturday March 7, 2020. The Wellington International Pride Parade encourages community diversity. Wellington Regional Council, Wellington City Council, and Tranzurban also spent money on decorating one of their Wellington-popular diesel double decker buses. That's right, just one! But it's better than nothing.

The Wellington Double Decker buses have been very popular with the Wellington youth community, and they were introduced mid 2018. Tranzurban and NZ Bus are both contracted by Metlink, a subsidary of Wellington Regional Council. Both companies run double decker buses, though the NZ Bus are a slightly different design.

The colourful double decker bus has been seen servicing Island Bay, one of the busiest bus routes in Wellington. Tranzurban has a fleet of double decker buses which operate mostly on the No.1 and No. 32X Routes (both Island Bay routes), the No. 7 route, and No. 23 route. NZ Bus operates double decker buses on the No. 3 route, and No. 34X route. However Tranzurban is the only one in Wellington that operates the double decker electric buses.

The Parade started off on Courtenay Place corner of Cambridge Terrace, ran along then turning right onto Taranaki Street, before heading straight down to the waterfront and outside Te Papa, The National Museum of New Zealand.

Tomorrow the weather is suppose to be fine too, so will hunt for that colourful bus and catch it from Island Bay to the newly finished Johnsonville Library and will do a separate video of that.

Enjoy the video :)


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