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Thank yuo guys for watching this NBA 2K20 MyTeam Tips & Tricks video where I show you guys the fastest method to evolving the new evo cards! I have been evolving my cards through playing 2K20 Domination but now that NBA 2K20 Triple Threat Offline is now able to play it has been a much easier and quicker way! I play some games of TTO to show you guys how to do this. This will be much quicker to evolve your Emeralds to Diamonds and Pink Diamonds! I hope you all enjoy!
Shake4ndBake , Jesser , JesserTheLazer , CashNasty , CashNastyGaming , LSK , Caldy , Chris Smoove , Jay Canada, Jiedel , Troydan, CarlosStory, DBG , Killzamoi
#NBA2k20MyTeam #TTO #TripleThreatOffline