
Two More Honduran Nationals Charged With Recent Drug Plane Landing

Two More Honduran Nationals Charged With Recent Drug Plane Landing For the latest news across Belize, visit:

There are two more arrests in connection with a drug bust that yielded police over one thousand three hundred kilos of cocaine. Thirty-six-year-old Terencio Mejia Cruz and fifty-three-year-old Jacobo Yovany Mejia Garcia were charged today with conspiracy to abet to import a controlled drug. It is suspected that both Honduran nationals are tied to the landing of a drug plane on the night of September eighth in a remote area off the Coastal Road. They were charged jointly in the courtroom of Senior Magistrate Tricia Pitts Anderson with a count in relation to one thousand, three hundred and forty-one kilograms of cocaine that was found onboard the aircraft. They both appeared unrepresented and bail was not offered to the pair due to the quantity of the drug. This afternoon, Commissioner of Police Chester Williams also provided an update on those additional arrests.


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