
Will protests in Ecuador force the president to resign? I Inside Story

Will protests in Ecuador force the president to resign? I Inside Story Ecuador's president Lenin Moreno is facing the largest challenge to his two years in power.
Indigenous groups are leading a national strike against austerity measures.
Violent protests began last week when Moreno removed 40-year old fuel subsidies, causing petrol prices to double.
Demonstrators stormed Congress in te4h capital Quito, but the president had moved the government to a city 400 kilometres away.
Fuel subsidies were removed as part of a $4.2 billion loan deal with the International Monetary Fund.
Is Moreno listening to the demonstrator's demands?

Presenter: Folly Bah Thibault
Guests: Matias Zibell - Professor of Journalism, University of Azuay, Ecuador
Guillaume Long - Former Foreign Minister of Ecuador, researcher at the French Institute for International and Strategic Affairs
Colin Harding - Director of Latin-Form, political and economic analysis consultancy

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