
#431 God's Judgements and Merciful Restoration 27th Oct 2019 George Booty

#431 God's Judgements and Merciful Restoration 27th Oct 2019 George Booty #431 God’s Discipline, Judgement and Restitution
George Booty Fresh love Video #431 27th October2019.
Jeremiah 14: 7-10; 19-22. & Joel 2: 23-32. is all about the people of God deserving God’s judgements being exacted on them and later the prophet Joel then speaks of restitution once more for the remnant of God’s people and the future prophecy of the Holy Spirit being poured out on all flesh!, which the Apostle Peter refers to on the day of Pentecost. Alleluia. What a mighty God we serve. God is loving and it is not right to blame God for our own waywardness and the choices we make. God is the Creator and we are His creatures. The scriptures say Who are you O’ man, to talk back to God? God is not made in our image we are made in His image and when we mess up we have to accept that their are consequences. God will hold us to account. When we come to God in Repentance and Faith, He is merciful, as the Heavenly ‘Father’ to us, that He truly is. He loves you and I and only wants to bless us. Trust in Him alone for your salvation and future life in Christ. Amen.
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God,Jesus Christ,Holy Spirit,George Booty Ministries International,Archbishop George Booty,Bishop George,Discipline,Judgement,Mercy,merciful,Restoration,Restitution,Joel 2,Jeremiah 14,Lectionary readings,George & Yoly Booty,deserving,backsliding,waywardness,Remnant,poured out,all flesh,Pentecost,Apostle Peter,reference on prophecy,Acts 2,Blaming God,Choices,Creatures,God's image,Man's image,consequences,tolerenace,loving,accountable,

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