
Anticipating Advent Pt 1- EFBC

Anticipating Advent Pt 1- EFBC Gatherings

10A.M. Worship Gathering

Estacada First Baptist Church

29101 SE Eagle Creek Road

Estacada, OR 97023


Brent - I serve as the lead pastor and primary teaching pastor in the EFBC family. I am originally from the Denver area. After graduating from high school, I attended a community college in NW Colorado and then Western Bible College where I met my “wife to be” Kim. Kim traveled all the way to Colorado from Estacada to meet me, but then I traveled all the way from Colorado to Estacada to marry her. We were married in Estacada in 1980. After Kim and I were married, I started serving at EFBC as Youth Pastor as well as working in construction. I also began serving in the community through coaching and volunteering in various ways.

My involvement in the EFBC family has taken many forms over the last 30 years. Kim and I moved away from Estacada for three years and served in Baker City, Oregon, working as youth pastor and interim pastor. I began my role as lead teaching pastor at EFBC in 1992, and it has been a joyful and exciting ride. God has shown Himself faithful and powerful in ways far beyond my imagination. While no one knows what the future holds, we can be confident that God’s plans are good and He will fulfill His purposes. I recently completed by Masters Degree studies in Theology at Western Seminary. Kim and I have been blessed with two children. (Jayme and Kyle) They both live close by, and we love spending time with our family. We also love walking and hiking, working in our yard and spending time with friends. “Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly beyond all that we ask or think, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus.” Eph 3:20


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