
Basement Stair Concerns in Home Built Pre-1900

Basement Stair Concerns in Home Built Pre-1900 This video demonstrates a typical basement-entry stairway in a home built pre-1900. It is common to find odd dimensions of stair railings, stair tread width, riser height and depth, loose stair components, and a host of other stair and railing defects which pose significant safety risks. These stairwells do not meet today's building compliance standards and typically require significant expense to achieve compliance. Your home inspector may recommend you contact a professional architect or contractor to discuss possible stairway modifications.
If you're buying or selling a home in the Twin Cities, we'd love to come alongside you and help alleviate stress during the process! Scheduling your home inspection online is easy at or call us at (612) 440-8466. Thanks!

home inspection,basement stairs,old home,stair danger,

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