
2 Books Narcissistic Victims Should Read

2 Books Narcissistic Victims Should Read #emotionalhealing #codependency #life coach #relationships
There are a TON of great books that can help heal emotional wounds from narcissistic abuse, toxic parents and/or toxic relationships whether with parents, significant others, friends or co-workers. This video encourages you to read 2 books you may not realize can be so helpful when it comes to healing from emotional manipulation/Complex PTSD.


There is a lot of information available on the internet regarding narcissistic abuse, narcissistic abuse victim syndrome, healing Complex PTSD due to emotional abuse and overcoming the abuse inflicted by narcissistic parents; however having someone guide and mentor you on your healing journey can be so helpful. If you feel you can benefit from inviting someone on your healing journey, please check out these links for face to face coaching and/or phone coaching:

For those interested in an interactive self help journal, here is the link for the PDF entitled I Miss Me and I Want Me Back

If you are going to court against a narcissist, the PDF entitled When The Devils The Defendant has been a helpful tool for thousands-
0:35 - So what are the books that I want to recommend for 2020? I'm only going to recommend 2 in this video; there are a ton of awesome books on the topic I have probably 10-15 of them, but I wanted to suggest 2 that aren't books that you would think would be helpful for victims of emotional abuse, of emotional trauma, but they were really game changers for me and I wanted to share them with you ok. So the first book is for people that have children with a narcissist, whether you're still in the relationship or you are co parenting or I should say counter parenting with a narcissist - this book is amazing!
It's called the Conscious parent (here is the link: )
2:33 - as parents, right if we've been through emotional manipulation or narcissistic abuse, if we were raised by narcissistic parents, we have things inside of us that need to get healed. Sometimes we don't realize that, sometimes we see things in our child, sometimes we see our unhealed wounds in our child and we're really focused on helping our child ... and it doesn't work.
The Power of Now:

books for narcissists to read,parenting children of narcissists,narcissistic parents and the damaging effects,healing codependency in relationships,books for emotional abuse,books for complex ptsd,how to help my child after narcissism,life after narcissistic relationship,life coach,michele lee nieves,the power of now,becoming present,how to stop ruminating,how to move on from your ex,how to be a good parent,healing emotional trauma,healing emotional wounds,npd,

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