
CEEW-CEF Webinar | Repowering the wind sector: Pathways to achieve 60 GW

CEEW-CEF Webinar | Repowering the wind sector: Pathways to achieve 60 GW Since the early '90s, the wind sector has been the flag bearer for renewable energy deployment in India. However, the sector lost momentum in the last decade and has been facing numerous challenges, including reduced availability of land, O&M, and uncertain policies on repowering. While India has an installed capacity of 37.5 GW of wind power, in the last two years only 3.3 GW of projects have been installed for over 12 GW of awarded tenders. This necessitates the urgency to take corrective action to meet our target of 60 GW by 31 December 2022 and beyond.

The webinar highlights key regulatory and technical roadblocks and solutions to install and integrate more wind energy in the grid.

Speakers: Amar Variawa, Vestas India in conversation with Rishabh Jain, CEEW Centre for Energy Finance (CEEW-CEF).

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CEEW-CEF acts as a non-partisan market observer and driver that monitors, develops, tests, and deploys financial solutions to advance the energy transition. It aims to help deepen markets, increase transparency, and attract capital in clean energy sectors in emerging economies. It achieves this by comprehensively tracking, interpreting, and responding to developments in the energy markets while also bridging gaps between governments, industry, and financiers. For more information visit:


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