
Coronavirus symptoms: A global pandemic is increasingly likely as death toll nears 1,000 - News 247

Coronavirus symptoms: A global pandemic is increasingly likely as death toll nears 1,000  - News 247 Thanks for watching my video.
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For any copyright, please send me a message.  The novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has infected more than 40,000 people and killed at least 910 since December last year. Although the virus has been mostly contained to mainland China, at least three people outside of the country’s borders have died. Trending  Dr PaweÅ‚ Grzesiowski, an immunologist from the Medical Centre of Postgraduate Education in Warsaw, Poland, believes the Chinese epidemic risks going international. Since the virus first emerged in China’s Wuhan City, Hubei Province, nearly 30 other countries have confirmed coronavirus infections. On Monday, February 10, the Chief Medical Officer for England warned the virus poses a “serious and imminent threat” to the UK. The dire announcement came as the number of confirmed infections in the UK doubled and four new people were diagnosed. According to Dr Grzesiowski, a secondary point of infections outside of Wuhan is very likely to appear.  READ MORE Coronavirus LIVE: UK govt ready to 'forcibly quarantine' patients  He said: “Sooner or later we will see secondary outbreaks, the only question is what their reach will be, how many people will get out of China and infect other people in the countries they can reach. “To date, several dozen cases of infections have been reported outside of Asia but so far outside of Germany, they have not resulted in secondary infections.” According to John Hopkins University in the US, Singapore, Hong Kong and Thailand has suffered the most infections outside of China with 43,38 and 32 respectively. In Europe, at least 14 people have been infected in Germany, 11 in France three in Italy, one in Finland, one in Sweden and one in Brussels. A total of nine Britons are now also confirmed to have been infected with the novel coronavirus. Symptoms of a coronavirus infection typically start with a cough, high temperature and shortness breath. The symptoms may be initially mistaken for the common cold or flu but can be deadly if left untreated. Coronavirus infections can deteriorate into pneumonia-like symptoms, kidney failure and death. Unfortunately, the NHS said there is no known direct treatment and instead, patients are being treated for their symptoms alone. And because the virus has spread outside of China, Dr Grzesiowski has argued the coronavirus epidemic has taken the first step towards becoming a global threat. He said: “The next stage is an epidemic with an international reach and this is the situation we have right now, then the first stage of the pandemic may develop, that is, limited secondary outbreaks on another continent and then on subsequent continents.  READ MORE Coronavirus: Quarantined passengers disembark from Hong Kong cruise  “However, we can talk about a p


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