
The Problem With Social Media (And Especially Twitter)

The Problem With Social Media (And Especially Twitter) tl;dr get off Twitter and do something with your life.

Allcott, H., Braghieri, L., Eichmeyer, S. & Gentzkow, M. (2018). The welfare effects of social media. SSRN Electronic Journal [online]. Available at:
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McKinney, B.C., Kelly, L. & Duran, R.L. (2012). Narcissism or openness?: College students’ use of Facebook and Twitter. Communication Research Reports. 29(2), p.108-118
Mellon, J. & Prosser, C. (2017). Twitter and Facebook are not representative of the general population: Political attitudes and demographics of British social media users. Research & Politics. 4(3), p.1-9
Meshi, D., Elizarova, A., Bender, A. & Verdejo-Garcia, A. (2018). Excessive social media users demonstrate impaired decision making in the Iowa gambling task. Journal of Behavioural Addictions. 8(1), p.169-173
Panek, E.T., Nardis, Y. & Konrath, S. (2013). Defining social networking sites and measuring their use: How narcissists differ in their use of Facebook and Twitter. Computers in Human Behaviour. 29(5), p.2004-2012
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Swift, D. (2019). A left for itself: Left-wing hobbyists and performative radicalism. 1st ed. Croydon: Zero Books, p.216-17

The Atlantic article about Tristan Harris:

The WaPo article on cancel culture:

Pew Research poll:

Exiting the Vampire Castle:

Benjamin Fong’s article on Jacobin:

Other links:

Written on February 18th-February 21st 2020
Recorded and edited on February 22nd 2020

twitter,social media,addiction,narcissism,communication,cancel culture,facebook,internet,cyberspace,relationships,friendships,connection,log off,psychology,cyberpsychology,sleep loss,depression,phubbing,

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