
trinities 286 - Is the Trinity essential? - Three Views

trinities 286 - Is the Trinity essential? - Three Views In this episode I interact with a short video by Dr. William Lane Craig, and with a critique of it by Dr. James White.

You’ll learn what they have in common as apologists, as well as what separates them. And Dr. White distinguishes between two things which might be meant by calling the Trinity “essential.”

I explain why in my view “the Trinity” isn’t essential in either sense.

I also explain why White’s work is perennially popular with the laity, and why scholars investigating the meaning and justification for “the Trinity” always ignore it.

Who do you most agree with on this topic: Dr. Craig, Dr. White, or me?

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Daniel 7:13-14, Psalm 110:1; Revelation 5:1-14; Philippians 2:9-11
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This week’s thinking music is “Great Expectations” by Kai Engel.

Weekly podcast exploring views about the Trinity, and more generally about God and Jesus in Christian theology and philosophy. Debates, interviews, and historical and contemporary perspectives. Hosted by philosopher of religion / analytic theologian Dr. Dale Tuggy.

This week's thinking music is "Great Expectations" by Kai Engel.

Trinity,theology,Christianity,God,Jesus,monotheism,unitarian,philosophy,Dale,Tuggy,incarnation,catholic,William Lane Craig,James White,Reasonable Faith,The Forgotten Trinity,

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