
Bersih blames lack of clear transition plan for current political turmoil

Bersih blames lack of clear transition plan for current political turmoil Electoral watchdog Bersih has blamed the current week of political turmoil on the lack of a clear plan for the transition of power.

“The political turbulence since Feb 23 is due to ambiguity in Pakatan Harapan’s transition plan, and its recurrence must be avoided with a clear transition plan.

“If this is something you do not settle - the transition whether to Anwar Ibrahim or someone else - it will just leave the door ajar for others to continue to jockey for that position (of prime minister),” said Bersih chairperson Thomas Fann in a press conference at the Bersih office in Petaling Jaya today.

When asked whether Bersih is planning another rally in response to what has happened in the past week, Fann said the situation was still too “fluid”.

“Certainly we did talk about having a rally, but I think the situation is so fluid and still unfolding right now and it’s a bit too early to declare another Bersih rally at this point in time. But we will be monitoring the situation very closely and depending on what happens, we will make a statement in due course,” he said.


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