
Coronavirus outbreak: World Health Organization raises global risk of spread to 'very high'

Coronavirus outbreak: World Health Organization raises global risk of spread to 'very high' The World Health Organization spoke Friday about the latest developments in the COVID-19 outbreak, as more cases continue to be reported both inside and outside China.

Director-general Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said on Friday that the risk of spread and impact of the COVID-19 virus had been raised to "very high" on a global level. He did add, however, that most cases can be traced to existing cases, and there is no evidence yet the virus is spreading freely in communities.

On Thursday, officials expressed concerns that the world had reached a "decisive point" in the outbreak with more new cases being reported outside China than in, and advised countries must take "aggressive" steps in order to contain the illness be fore it spreads further.

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