Thanks for joining us on our adoption journey where RAD, CNS, FASD, ASD and SPD are bumps in the road. Our lives move past those moments and bumps as they come and we move on with the better things life has to offer. My motto has always been as close to the vine as possible and I find it’s still in style as I teach this child foundation habits for life.
I will share the things I have learned in my years of being a mother about growing vegetables, flowers, food and kids. I am constantly learning therapeutic parenting and will share as I go.
Our lives consist of healthy food, chickens, coffee, crafts, micro homesteading, foraging, fermented foods, island visits, baking bread, woodland walks, selfcare, sewing, flowers, gardening, self sufficiency, and so many other things that I love and want to share in our circle. Thanks for joining us.
I love my chickens, coffee and pure organic food ingredients. I garden on 50” by 100” and I forage in the great woods of the beautiful Upper Peninsula to add to these pure food ingredients.
I went back to school two years ago to get my chef's certification because it's always been my lifelong dream to have a "Little Shop" filled with good food and coffee. I am now solidifying this plan to create this brick and mortar business so I can be close to Fred everyday and not be driving, like I was, to all ends of the earth when I was in EMS. Plus, Fred loves everything I cook!
I’m not a doctor and I am not dispensing medical advice, I’m just a Mom sharing what I have learned about healthy living on this rocky journey and what has worked in the past at keeping us healthy emotionally and physically and what is working for us now.
This is Fred’s Page:
This is me too, it tells about my goals and dreams for my business:
Instagram – www.instagram.com/kirstenmia
T-shirts- Sweatshirts- Long sleeve T’s- Mugs -
More Up North Style by Kirsten; T-shirt’s, Sweatshirts, Longsleeve -T’s -
My Book Shelf:
GAPS Diet Book -
Whole30 Diet Book -
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Waterfall - Aakash Gandhi