
Story of Significant Change - Asosisaun Café Timor (ACT) - Timor-Leste

Story of Significant Change - Asosisaun Café Timor (ACT) - Timor-Leste MDF supports the next generation of coffee farmers in Timor-Leste

Meet Ameta, the Owner of Café Organiku Atsabe! Ameta took part in the ACT coffee quality training last year and not only has it helped him improve the quality of his own coffee production, winning him first prize at Festivál Kafé Timor, he has also been sharing the knowledge that he learnt with other local producers. Ameta is certainly one to watch!

Hasoru Ameta, na’in ba Café Organiko Atsabe! Ameta partisipa iha ACT nian treinamento ba kualidade kafe tinan kotuk no husi ne’e laos deit ajuda ona nia hasa’e kualidade kafe nebe mak nia produs maibe mos lori nia manan permeiru lugar iha festival kafe Timor, nia mos fahe ona metenek nebe maka hetan ba fali produtor local sira seluk. Konserteza tengke hare filmajem Ameta.

Music: John Bartmann - Happy Clappy


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