
We Are Gay | The 48th HK Arts Festival 2020年第48屆香港藝術節

We Are Gay | The 48th HK Arts Festival 2020年第48屆香港藝術節 When the fresh-faced and irresistibly charming swim coach Sheng (Yau Hawk-sau) walked into the life of young, ambitious lawyer Philip (Lau Chun-him), they found in each other unlikely but steadfast partners. Now they've been asked to look after a flat in one of Hong Kong's most upscale housing developments, and things seem like they couldn't be better—until their neighbour Neil (Cheung Kam-ching), older and more successful, sidles his way into their relationship. Misunderstandings abound, suspicions fester, until a drug-related incident forces the three men to re-examine their values and contend with the temptations of love and lust, loyalty and ambition. Will they lose everything, or will they find their own paths to happiness?

Candace Chong, acclaimed playwright of The Wild Boar (2012 HKAF) and Murder in San José (2009 HKAF), has teamed up with director Tony Wong, winner of Best Director at the Hong Kong Drama Awards, for an extensive research and development process that has included interviews with a diverse cross-section of the local gay community. In this suspenseful tale of conflicting values between two generations of gay men, We Are Gay teases out the mysteries that underpin human relationships and that universal pursuit of happiness.


追尋快樂無分時代、無分族羣。這是最好的年代,還是最壞的年代。 一個發生在同志圈中的離奇命案:年輕游泳教練阿生(游學修飾),青春羞澀而迷人,與戀人 Philip(劉俊謙飾)關係穩定。自從兩人遷入新居,偶遇事業有成的大律師Neil (張錦程飾)後, 看似永恆的關係慢慢起了變化,誤會、猜疑和曖昧在三人間滋長。直至因一次藏毒事件,三 人終於不得不重新審視他們的價值觀,以及愛與慾、關係與利益的掙扎。他們會否失去一切, 包括愛?還是活出另一種風度,開創最快樂年代?

繼《野豬》、《聖荷西謀殺案》等口碑之作後,著名編劇莊梅岩相隔八年再度為藝術節執筆,探 究同志世界裏的愛情、慾望、金錢、權力、嫉妒與誘惑,情節懸疑,感情直透人心。

香港舞台劇獎最佳導演黃龍斌聯同莊梅岩,與實力派演員張錦程、演技派新星游學修、劉俊謙 挑戰同志題材,令人期待。

Hong Kong Arts Festival,Hong Kong,Arts Festival,Art Festival,Music,Dance,Opera,Theatre,香港藝術節,藝術節,音樂,舞蹈,戲劇,歌劇,

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